Oil Flooded Rotary Screw Compressors
Atlas Copco Oil Flooded Rotary Screw Compressors
Compressors For Manufacturing Inc. is an authorized distributor and supplier of the Atlas Copco brand oil-flooded rotary screw air compressor. We can supply any type or size of rotary screw compressor to meet the needs of your business.
These compressors can be supplied as a fixed-speed unit or variable speed unit with an air dryer integrated into the cabinet to save on installation costs and floor space. Along with the space-saving design, Atlas Copco supplies the world’s most energy-efficient compressors along with the best warranty in the business. We can work with your company to identify the best compressor option for energy savings and show you how to work with the hydro companies to receive substantial Rebates.

Contact the Compressors For Manufacturing team for any inquiries